In honor of Phillip A. Griffiths
XVIIIth Annual Geometry Festival
Duke University, Durham, NC
March 13-16, 2003
The Eighteenth Annual Geometry Festival will be held at the
Mathematics Department of
Duke University from Thursday
afternoon, March 13, to Sunday noon, March 16, 2003.
Everyone is invited to the Geometry Festival, and graduate students
are especially encouraged to attend.
Robert L. Bryant,
David R. Morrison,
Pat Eberlein,
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
The following is a list of the speakers.
The title and abstract information will be
updated and completed very soon,
so come back again in a few days!
Abstracts of the talks may be found
A list of speakers at previous Geometry Festivals can be found
Check-in will begin at 12 noon on Thursday in the lobby of the Physics
Building. The first talk will be at 3PM on Thursday, followed by tea,
followed by a second talk at 5PM that will be followed by a wine-and
cheese reception.
All remaining lectures will take place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Participants will be on their own for dinner Thursday evening,
and will be provided with a list of suggested restaurants.
On Friday and Saturday mornings, continental breakfast will be served
during 8:309:30 AM, followed by two talks, and two more talks in the
afternoon. There will be a supper arranged on Friday night and a
banquet Saturday night (see below).
Of course, coffee and other refreshments will be available during
the hours of the conference.
On Sunday morning, breakfast will again be served from 8:309:30 AM,
followed by two talks. The Festival will end at noon on Sunday, to
allow for travel home that day.
There should be plenty of free parking available in the lot
adjacent to the Physics Building. Consult this space
just before you come to the Festival for any updates.
If you stay in the Millennium Hotel (see below), there will
be a shuttle from the hotel to the Physics building. However,
if the weather is nice (not unusual in mid-March in Durham),
it is a pleasant ten-minute walk from the hotel to the lectures
and the sites of the dinners.
The Millennium Hotel is located at 2800 Campus Walk Avenue,
just a few minutes away from Duke Campus and the Physics Building.
This is the hotel that we recommend, and we have reserved
a block of rooms for participants in the festival at $82
per room per night (plus tax). Our group rate is guaranteed
for reservations has been extended
to Feburary 28, so please book as soon as possible!
There will be two other conferences happening at Duke
during this time, so once these rooms are booked (or, after
February 28, released back into the hotel room pool), it may
not be possible to guarantee that you'll be able to find
a room in a nearby hotel.
You can make a Millennium reservation
online using our special
group reservation page
or you can call the hotel directly at:
(919) 383-8575; 1-800-633-5379 (7am-7pm). However, if you
do this, please be sure to identify yourself
as a Geometry Festival participant and tell them our
group id number, which is 3655.
Airport Shuttle or Taxi: The Millennium offers roundtrip
shuttle service from Raleigh/Durham International Airport
for a flat rate of $32 per adult. Airport transportation
for children is complimentary when traveling with adult.
Please contact the hotel from the courtesy telephone in the
luggage claim area upon your arrival.
Of course, there are also taxis, which will run about $3035
for a one way trip between the airport and the hotel (or Duke).
Thus, if you have a group of 3 or more, you might consider
taking a taxi.
For more information about transportation alternatives
and a list of alternative accommodations, click here:
Transportation and Other Accommodations.
Participants are asked to register in advance. A secure electronic
Registration Form is available. There will be no registration fee. However, for those attending
the banquet on Saturday night, there will be a fee of $30 per person.
(Graduate students will be subsidized; the fee is $15 per person
for them.)
Please check this site from time to time for updates.
Participants will pay for their own travel, hotel accommodations,
and meals not provided by the Festival. Some financial support (from
the National Science Foundation and from Duke University) will be
available for those without travel funds (see below).
This Geometry Festival is supported by grants from
The National Science Foundation
and Duke University.
From the funds remaining after conference expenses are paid,
partial reimbursement of travel and hotel costs will be made to some
participants, with preference given to graduate students and younger
faculty who do not have NSF or other grant or school support. Please
check the appropriate boxes and provide the indicated information on
the registration form to help us with this.
Those interested in applying for travel funds should send
(by email)
the following information:
- A vita, including list of publications.
- Whether other NSF grant or school support is available.
Requests for travel support will be accepted up to the time of
the Festival.
This web site will be updated from time to time. Please check it once
again for last minute changes, just before you come to the Geometry
The web site will remain in place for a while after the Geometry
Festival is over, so that you can refer to it for information about,
and links to, future Festivals.
Please bookmark this site as: