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Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations

Part 2: Numerical Methods in a Helper Application

  1. Display the direction field for the differential equation

  2. dy/dt = 2 cos t - ty.

  3. The initial value problem for which we will construct approximate solutions is
  4. dy/dt = 2 cos t - ty  with  y(0) = 2,

    on the interval [0,8]. Calculate a 20-step Euler's Method approximation, and plot the results.

  5. Change the number of steps in your worksheet to 40, recalculate, and replot (change the color if possible). Repeat for 80 steps, and plot all three results together. Describe the changes you see as the number of steps goes from 20 to 40 to 80.
  6. Now experiment with the Improved Euler's Method: Obtain the Improved Euler's plot for 20, 40, and 80 steps. Again, describe the changes you see.
  7. Next calculate and plot a Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta approximation with 80 steps. We may reasonably expect that this solution is very close to the "exact" solution. Compare each of your Euler's Method and Improved Euler's Method plots with the Runge-Kutta plot. What can you say about the significance of numbers of steps for each of the methods? Comment on anything that looks surprising.
  8. Finally, recalculate the Euler approximation with only 10 steps, and plot the results. Describe what is happening and why. Pay attention to the scales on your plot.

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