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Predator-Prey Models

Part 5: The Effect of Hunting Predators (Optional)

Suppose that predators are removed from the population at a regular rate by hunting, say, at 5 per year. Then the predator-prey model takes the form

dx/dt = ax - bxy,

dy/dt = -cy + pxy - 5,

where a, b, c, and p are the growth and interaction parameters as before. As in Part 4, you may use your choice of graphical representation to determine the significance of this change.

  1. Modify the second differential equation to account for hunting, and plot the solutions or trajectories from reasonable starting values. Describe what happens. If necessary, adjust your plot window and time scale to ensure that you have determined the eventual fate of both species. Does the outcome make sense biologically?
  2. Make a different change in the predator-prey equations to reflect a different biological consideration. Describe the consideration. Describe the new outcome. Is the outcome biologically reasonable?
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