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Second-Order Linear Homogeneous
Differential Equations with
Constant Coefficients

Part 3: The Equation y" + ay + by = 0 with Nonzero a

  1. Set a = 0.5, b = 1, y(0) = 1, and y'(0) = 0, so the initial value problem is
  2. y" + 0.5 y' + y = 0,
    y(0) = 1,
    y'(0) = 0.

    Change the range on y to [-1,1], and graph the solution. Increase a in steps of 0.5 up to 3, and describe how the solutions change. Use the symbolic solution to explain what you see in these solution graphs.

  3. Set a = -0.25, so the initial value problem now is
  4. y" - 0.25 y' + y = 0,
    y(0) = 1,
    y'(0) = 0.

    Remove the range on y, and let your computer algebra system set the range. Plot the solution and describe the graph. Now set a = -0.5, and replot. Then repeat for a = -0.75. Describe each of these plots. Use the symbolic solution to explain what you see in these solution graphs.

  5. Set a = -1. To get a clear mental image of this graph, plot for t in [0,4], then repeat for [0,8], [0,12], and [0,16]. Describe the solution graph, and use the symbolic solution to explain its form.
  6. Now decrease a from -1 to -3 in steps of 0.25. Vary the t-interval as appropriate to obtain a good understanding of each graph. Describe the graphs of these solutions. In particular, indicate which of these solution graphs cross the t-axis more than once. Use the symbolic solution to explain these solution graphs.

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