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Maple Tutor

Part 12: Limits

  1. Limits are easy to calculate in Maple. As a test we'll calculate the limit of sin(x)/x as x approaches 0. Enter the following:
    limit(sin(x)/x, x = 0);

  2. The Maple limit command also calculates limits at infinity. Enter
    limit((1 + x3)/((1 + x)*(1+2*x2)), x = infinity);

  3. The standard limit command will deal with one-sided limits if there is no possibility of confusion. Enter
    limit(sqrt(x)/sqrt(x + x^2), x=0);

    Now try
    limit(abs(x)/x, x = 0);

    Why is this limit ambiguous? Try
    limit(abs(x)/x, x = 0, right);

    Now replace "right" by "left."

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