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Maple Tutor

Part 2: Groups and Separators

  1. Press the F9 key. Then press it again. (Watch the left margin.) This key alternately inserts and deletes margin indicators that separate the Maple worksheet into groups. If necessary, press F9 again so that the separator lines are visible.
  2. Place the cursor in the line
    and press the F4 key. Notice that a separator has been removed -- that is, the line following this one has now become part of the same group. Now Press the RETURN key. Both expressions in the region are calculated. Place the cursor at the start of the second line in this group and press the F3 key. The groups are separated again. Now press RETURN. Only the single line in the region is evaluated.

Usually you will want the group separators to be visible. The F9 key toggles in and out of this mode. The F4 key joins groups above and below the line containing the cursor; the F3 key separates a group into two groups at the cursor.

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