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Mathematica Tutor

Part 7: Functions

  1. Next we define a function to assign the value 10 sin x to each x. Enter

    and then
    (Note the "_" (underscore) character which appears only on the left of the second command, and the extra colon.) You may be surprised to see

    10 Sin[1]

    rather than a decimal approximation. To obtain a decimal approximation, enter
    The command "N" stands for "numerical value."

You should notice two important things here:

  1. To be sure that the action of N is clear, enter
    and then

  2. An alternate way of forcing Mathematica to return a decimal approximation to f[1] is to enter

  3. Note that Mathematica distinguishes between a function and an expression. Enter
    Then enter
    followed by
    The symbols g[x] stand for the expression, not the function. Try the same thing with g[x]:=10*Sin[x]
    (Colon, but no underscore.) You should get almost the same results. Leaving out the underscore when you define a function is a common source of problems when using Mathematica.

  4. Let's evaluate f at pi/6. First, we need the value of pi. Enter
    Alter this line to read

    Now find a decimal approximation to f(pi/6).

  5. Find a decimal approximation to each of the following: f(2) and f(pi/3).

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