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LU Decomposition

Part 5: Summary

  1. In general, for any two row equivalent matrices A and B, describe how to find a matrix P such that PA = B. Will P always be unit lower triangular? Explain.
  2. What is an LU decomposition of a matrix? If A is an m x n matrix which has an LU decomposition, what are the sizes of L and U?
  3. Under certain conditions, the following assertion is true:

    A matrix A can be written as a product A = LU, where U is a row echelon form of A, and L is unit lower triangular.

    State the conditions under which this assertion is true, and explain why it is true when the conditions are satisified.
  4. If the conditions you gave in Step 3 are satisfied, explain two ways you can find an LU decomposition for A. [Hint: One method constructs L as a product of elementary matrices, and the other constructs L by inspecting matrices that occur in the process of reducing A].
  5. Assume that A = LU where L is unit lower triangular and U is in echelon form. Explain why solving the two equations

    Ly = b and Ux = y

    is equivalent to solving Ax = b. Explain why solving the former pair of equations may be more efficient that solving the latter single equation.

  6. If the conditions you gave in Step 3 are not satisfied, we can find a modified LU decomposition for A, where L is permuted unit lower triangular. What is a permuted lower triangular matrix? Explain at least one method for finding a modified LU decomposition for a matrix.
  7. If you ask your helper application to find an LU decomposition for a matrix A, does it always give you a true LU decomposition? If your helper applications sometimes gives a modified LU decomposition, how do you know when an announced decomposition is actually of the modified form?
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