Matrix Arithmetic
Part 6: Summary
In the list below we tabulate
some of the properties of arithmetic with real numbers. For each property
indicate in your worksheet whether the corresponding property holds for
- Associativity of addition:
- (a + b) + c = a + (b + c), for all a, b, c
- Distributivity of multiplication
over addition:
- a(b + c) = ab + ac, for all a, b, c
- Commutativity of multiplication:
- Associativity of multiplication:
- (ab)c = a(bc), for all a, b, c
- Distributivity of exponentiation
over multiplication:
- (ab)k = akbk, for all real numbers a and b
and positive integers k
- Multiplicative identity:
- Multiplicative zero:
- Absence of "zero divisors":
- If ab = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0.
- Multiplicative cancellation:
- If ab = ac and a is not zero, then b = c.
We have seen some properties
that are peculiar to matrices. Complete the statements below with either
correct symbols or with a verbal description. Assume that A is an m x n
matrix, B is an n x p matrix, and x is an n-dimensional vector.
- (AB)T =
- Aej
- Ax can be written
as a linear combination of vectors as follows:
Two matrix multiplicative
properties that hold for diagonal matrices, but not for matrices in general,
are the following:
- Multiplication of diagonal
matrices is... (fill in a property)
- A power of a diagonal matrix
can be computed by ...
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