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Matrix Arithmetic

Part 6: Summary

In the list below we tabulate some of the properties of arithmetic with real numbers. For each property indicate in your worksheet whether the corresponding property holds for matrices.

  1. Associativity of addition:

  2. Distributivity of multiplication over addition:

  3. Commutativity of multiplication:

  4. Associativity of multiplication:

  5. Distributivity of exponentiation over multiplication:

  6. Multiplicative identity:

  7. Multiplicative zero:

  8. Absence of "zero divisors":

  9. Multiplicative cancellation:

We have seen some properties that are peculiar to matrices. Complete the statements below with either correct symbols or with a verbal description. Assume that A is an m x n matrix, B is an n x p matrix, and x is an n-dimensional vector.

  1. (AB)T =
  2. Aej =
  3. Ax can be written as a linear combination of vectors as follows:

Two matrix multiplicative properties that hold for diagonal matrices, but not for matrices in general, are the following:

  1. Multiplication of diagonal matrices is... (fill in a property)
  2. A power of a diagonal matrix can be computed by ...

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