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Part 10: Solving Linear Systems

Suppose we want to solve the linear system

        x – 2y +    z =  0
               2y – 8z =  8
     -4x + 5y + 9z = -9

We can solve this system in several ways in MATLAB; you will learn two of them in this part and another in the next part.

  1. First we need to save the coefficients of the system in a matrix, and the right-hand side vector in another matrix. Enter

         A = [1 -2 1
                 0 2 -8
                -4 5 9]
         b = [0; 8; -9]

    and then enter

         X = A\b

    The three numbers you see are the solution values of x, y, and z.
  2. You can easily check whether the solution is correct. The matrix product A times X should equal the right hand side b. Does it? Check it out.
  3. If you have MATLAB's Symbolic Math Toolkit, you can also use the "solve" command to solve the above system. Enter

         syms x y z
         eq1 = 'x - 2*y + z = 0';
         eq2 = '2*y - 8*z = 8';
         eq3 = '-4*x + 5*y + 9*z = -9';
         [x,y,z] = solve(eq1, eq2, eq3)

  4. When you have a system with fewer equations than unknowns, you can find the symbolic solution for some of the variables in terms of others, which we could call "free" variables. Consider the following system of three equations in four unknowns.

            x – 2y +   z +  2w  =  0
                  2y – 8z +    w  =  8
         -4x + 5y + 9z -    w  = -9

    We can solve for x, y, and z in terms of w. The last entry in the "solve" command tells which variables are to be solved for, and hence which variable will be free. Enter

         syms x y z w
         eq1 = 'x - 2*y + z + 2* w = 0';
         eq2 = '2*y - 8*z + w = 8';
         eq3 = '-4*x + 5*y + 9*z - w = -9';
         [x,y,z] = solve(eq1, eq2, eq3, 'x,y,z')

  5. Try the same two methods of solution on the system

           x + 4y + 3z = 10
         2x +   y –   z =  -1
         3x –   y – 4z = 11

    What do the results tell you? We will look more carefully at this example in the next part.

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