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Fourier Approximations and Music

Part 2: Musical notes

We saw in Part 1 that musical sounds are characterized by a regular repetition of the pressure function. Now we concentrate on musical notes.

2.1 The essential characteristics of a musical note

Musicians point to three distinguishing characteristics of musical notes: loudness, pitch, and timbre (or "quality"). There are other characteristics, but we will focus on these three in this module.

Of the three characteristics of musical notes, loudness is the most easily understood, and we will not discuss it further at this time. In fact, the major emphasis in this module is to explore just one aspect of timbre. However, we need to say some more about pitch first.

If you want some more practice with the notions of frequency and period (as well as amplitude and phase), you may want to work through the module Sinusoidal Graphs in the Materials for Precalculus section of this library.

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