Chautauqua Course 27
Teaching Mathematics with Online Materials
Duke University
June 26-28, 2001
- Criteria
for judging mathlets
- NSF Reviewer Application Form: Click on NSF Form 428A
- Link to video clips of Bookman, Moore, and Tomberg talking about web development projects.
- Click here
to go to the Duke Math Learning Materials home page.
- Links to articles about the Bookman-Malone learning study
- The Nature of Learning in Interactive Technological Environments: A Proposal for a Research Agenda Based on Grounded Theory, by Jack Bookman and David Malone, prepublication draft
- A presentation made by Lang Moore and David Smith at the 13th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics November 18, 2000 in Atlanta, Georgia. There are links to the power point slides, video clips of students using the materials and clips of the corresponding computer displays, and to the paper submitted to the Proceedings of the Conference.
Last Update: 6 / 28 / 01