Adam Simon Levine

Department of Mathematics
Duke University
211 Physics Building, 120 Science Drive
Durham, NC 27708
E-mail: alevine at math dot duke dot edu

I am an associate professor at Duke University. My research is in low-dimensional topology, with a focus on Heegaard Floer homology, Khovanov homology, and their applications to knot theory, concordance, exotic 4-manifolds, and other areas. I am also the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the mathematics department. My CV can be found here.

I am partially supported by an NSF Topology grant (DMS-2203860).



In Fall 2024, I am teaching a minicourse, Link Homology Theories and Immersed Curves, (Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:05-11:20am, October 30 - December 4).

I have previously taught the following courses at Duke:


Here are videos and/or slides from a few of my talks:
