Math 323S.01: Geometry

Fall 2024

Course Information

Meeting Time:
(usually) Monday and Wednesday, 10:05–11:20am in Room 205, Physics Building
Marvin J. Greenberg, Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History, Fourth Edition
Robert L. Bryant
111 Physics Building
Office Hours:
10:30 AM to noon Tuesdays and Thursdays and by appointment
Home Page:
Homework: (50%)
There will be regular homework assignments. You may talk with others in the class while discussing the problems and developing ideas, but the write-up you turn in must be in your own words and symbols. Normally, homework assigned in any given week is due on first day of class of the following week. You should scan your homework and email it to me.
Exams: (30%)
There will be two take-home exams, counting 15% each. You may not consult with anyone other than me or search the web while working on these exams, but you may use your book and your notes. The first exam will be handed out on September 30 and be due October 02 and will cover material discussed up to the previous class (probably the congruence axioms but not the continuity axioms). The second exam will (probably) be handed out on November 04 and be due November 06, though the timing may change a bit depending on how we progress through the material.
Projects: (20%)
Each student will choose one project from an approved list (to be posted later in the semester) or, with the approval of the instructor, one of the projects described at the end of a chapter of our text. The result of the project will be a written report (of approximately 15 pages) on the subject chosen. The first draft of your project is due by November 20. The second and final draft will be due by the last day of class, December 04. You will also be required to make a 20-minute presentation to the class about your project.