Math 403 Course Webpage
Advanced Linear Algebra
Spring 2025, Duke University
General information |
Course description |
Lecture notes and videos |
Lecture and video policies |
Assignments |
Homework schedule |
Grading |
Links |
Fine print
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:45 – 13:00, Physics Building 205
- Linear Algebra and its Applications,
by Peter D. Lax, second edition (book; available electronically)
- Kristopher Tapp:
Matrix Groups for Undergraduates (book; available electronically)
- G. W. Stewart and Ji-guang Sun:
Matrix Perturbation Theory (book; not electronic)
Online resources:
Contact information for the Instructor
Name: Professor Ezra Miller
Address: Mathematics Department,
Duke University, Box 90320,
Durham, NC 27708-0320
Office: Physics 209
Phone: (919) 660-2846
Course webpage: you're already
looking at it... but it's
Canvas site: available to registered students via Duke NetID
Office hours: Tuesday, 15:30 – 16:30 in Physics 209 or outside
Thursday, 13:00 – 14:00 in Physics 209 or outside
This course covers topics in linear algebra beyond those in a first
course. The main themes of the course are
- abstraction
- approximation
- variation
- positivity
- convexity
- application
Abstraction refers to the setting of general vector spaces, with
finite dimension or not, with given basis or not, over an arbitrary
field. Approximation asks for best answers to linear systems when
exact solutions either don't exist or are not worth computing to
arbitrary precision. This is related to variation of subspaces or of
entries of matrices: what kind of geometric space is the set of all
k-dimensional subspaces? And what happens to the
eigenvalues of a matrix when the entries of the matrix are wiggled?
Positivity refers to the entries of a matrix or to the eigenvalues of
a symmetric matrix; both have interesting, useful consequences.
Convexity stems from the observation that a real
hyperplane H splits a real vector space into two regions,
one on either side of H. Intersections of regions like
this yield familiar objects like cubes, pyramids, balls, and eggs, the
geometry of which is fundamental to many applications of linear
algebra. Throughout the course, motivation comes from many sources:
statistics, computer science, economics, and biology, as well as other
parts of mathematics. We will explore these applications,
particularly in projects (paper plus oral presentation) on topics of
the students' choosing.
Students will continue to develop their skills in mathematical
exposition, both written and oral, including proofs.
Course content:
- basic algebra: arbitrary fields, quotients, exact sequences, duality
- normed linear spaces
- convexity
- grassmannians and flags
- Hermitian, positive (semi-)definite, and normal matrices
- principal component analysis (PCA) and singular value decomposition (SVD)
- classical matrix groups
- perturbation of eigenvalues
- Perron–Frobenius theory: matrices with positive entries
- tensors and exterior algebra
Fluency with a first course (Math 218 or 221) will be assumed.
Notions from calculus will also be crucial: limits, continuity,
derivatives, and so on, in arbitrary dimension; thus solid knowledge
of multivariable calculus (Math 211 or 222) will also be required. No
other mathematical content is assumed, but the more you know, the
easier the course is. Students who take this as their first course
beyond the 200-level report that it is difficult. In contrast, those
who have already taken some upper-division courses find Math 403 to be
quite manageable, in part because not everything is completely new and
in part because they already have experience writing proofs.
lectures in one PDF file
The lecture notes can and may be updated or corrected. If you think
you have found an error, check that you have the latest version before
sending a correction.
All videos in a Math Department server Collection
The video player on the Math Department video server have some nice
features. For example, it is possible to zoom in on the video to make
the writing on the board bigger.
- (notes / video)
Lecture 1:
basic algebra of groups, arbitrary fields, vector spaces, homomorphisms
- (notes / video)
Lecture 2:
quotients, exact sequences, homology, Euler characteristic
- (notes / video)
Lecture 3:
duality, complex numbers, Hermitian inner products
- (notes / video)
Lecture 4:
Jordan form, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, direct sum, minimal
polynomial, Cayley–Hamilton Theorem
- (notes / video)
Lecture 5:
Banach spaces: norms, topology, equivalence
- (notes / video)
Lecture 6:
convex set, polytope, interior, boundary, separating hyperplane
- (notes / video)
Lecture 7:
supporting hyperplane, extreme point, Krein–Milman Thm
- (notes / video)
Lecture 8:
grassmannians as quotients and as manifolds
- (notes / video)
Lecture 9:
manifolds (recap), flag varieties
- (notes / video)
Lecture 10:
isometries of spheres and real inner product spaces
- (notes / video)
Lecture 11:
unitary matrices, upper-triangular representations, spectral
theorem, normal operators
- (notes / video)
Lecture 12:
positive (semi)definite operators, singular values, polar and
Schmidt decompositions, singular value decomposition (SVD)
- (notes / video)
Lecture 13:
ellipsoids, operator & Frobenius norms, principal component analysis (PCA)
- (notes / video)
Lecture 14:
matrix norms, consistency, general perturbation theorems
- (notes / video)
Lecture 15:
theorems of Elsner, Bauer–Fike, Gerschgorin
- (notes / video)
Lecture 16:
Lie algebra as tangent space, matrix exponentials,
computation for GLn
- (notes / video)
Lecture 17:
computations for On and
SLn, Lie groups and quotients as manifolds
- (notes / video)
Lecture 18:
entrywise positive matrices, dominant eigenvalue, Perron's theorem
- (notes / video)
Lecture 19:
directed graphs, stochastic matrices, Markov chains, Frobenius theorem
- (notes / video)
Lecture 20:
multilinear algebra, tensor product, universal property, category
- (notes / video)
Lecture 21:
alternating operator, exterior power, volume, determinant, functor
- (notes / video)
Lecture 22:
cross product, Laplace expansion, minor, r-dimensional volume,
Plücker coordinate
- (This item is a hold-over from the pandemic. But the overarching
message of respect for health and safety is still valid.)
Everyone attending class in person, including students and the
lecturer, must comply with the
Compact regarding health and safety of yourself and others.
- Keep your mask on at all times, if required.
- Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal from
the classroom. In particular,
- kindly remind the lecturer if they are not in compliance,
and dismiss them if they refuse to comply!
Recordings of lectures from Spring 2021 are posted on the
Math Department video server. Each video has been edited to
delete identifying information of students whose faces (and,
alas, names) occasionally appeared onscreen; if you detect
identifying information that accidentally remains, please
inform the instructor.
- Students are expected to attend lecture live, in person, unless
circumstances require lecture to be delivered virtually, in
which case attendance online is expected. There is currently
no plan to enable hybrid lectures.
- Class participation can enhance or detract from homework
grades. Attendance in lecture is a baseline for
participation, which more substantially requires
contribution to in-class discourse.
- Occasional absence for expected sorts of circumstances
(e.g., illness, athletic participation, religious holidays)
is not penalized.
- Lectures might sometimes need to be held online or with a recording.
- There will usually be days of advance warning if this step
needs to be taken, although in case of instructor illness
advance warning might not be possible.
- Links for these online sessions will be available on the
course Canvas page.
- These links are not to be shared. Sharing can
result in class disruptions from unwanted third parties and
can constitute a breach of class participants' privacy.
- Your video should remain on by default during any
virtual synchronous lecture. The classroom experience
is a communal one. It is dependent on multi-way
communication. You should be able to see the lecturer and
your classmates, and they should be able to see you.
- That said, there are valid reasons to turn your video off,
particularly if you have issues with your internet
connection, your working space, or other external factors.
Turn off your video if you must, but in general everyone
should do their best to participate visually.
- Reading assignments are included at the top of each homework
and midterm.
- Due dates for the five homework assignments, two
midterms, and final projects this semester are listed in the
table below. The final project also includes an oral
presentation near the end of the semester, during a class
period to be determined.
- All homework and midterm assignments will be take-home.
Each is due at the time of day specified on the assignment.
- All solutions you turn in, including midterms, homework, and
term projects, must be typewritten using the provided LaTeX
template. Communicating your ideas is an integral part of
mathematics. In addition to the usual PDF files, LaTeX source
files for each of the homework assignments as well as each of
the midterms will be provided. You are required to use these
as LaTeX templates for your solutions, by filling in your
responses in those files. I am happy to answer any questions
you might have about LaTeX, though you should consider asking
your classmates first. The reason why it is crucial for you
to use the provided LaTeX templates is because they
contain margins settings and commands required for grading.
- Submit your homework and midterm solutions using Canvas
Math 403 Canvas –>
Submit both your .tex file (the grader or I may comment on your
TeX usage) and your .pdf file, which can serve as verification
that your system produces the same output as ours do. (There
have been cases where .tex files upload improperly; the .pdf
file then serves as proof of on-time submission.)
- The final project consists of an oral presentation and a
written paper of 10 – 12 pages in length. The length
of the oral presentation will depend on how many students are
registered once the semester is fully under way. More details
about term projects are included at the end of this
"Assignments" section.
- The final projects are completed in pairs for those
registered for Math 403. If you are unable to find a
partner, then the instructor will assign you one.
- In contrast, grad students enrolled in Math 703 complete
their final projects solo.
Check here two weeks before each homework is due, or one week
before each exam is due, for the specifics of the assignments. If
an assignment hasn't been posted and you think it should have been,
then please do email the instructor. Sometimes I encounter problems
(such as, for example, the department's servers going down) while
posting assignments; other times, I might simply have neglected to
copy the assignment into the appropriate directory, or to set the
permissions properly. (I do try to check these things, of course, but
sometimes web pages act differently for users inside and outside the
Math department so I don't notice.)
Assignment |
Due Date |
Problems |
Homework #1
Sat. 25 January |
Homework #2
Sat. 8 February |
Midterm 1 |
Sat. 15 February |
Homework #3
Sat. 1 March |
Homework #4
Sat. 22 March |
Homework #5
Tue. 8 April |
Midterm 2 |
Thu. 17 April |
Final project |
Tue. 22 April, 12:00 |
Policies regarding homework and midterms
- Late homework or (especially) exams will not be
accepted. If you fail to submit an assignment there will
be no make-ups. Some accommodation may be possible in one of
the following situations: personal
emergencies or
tragedies, an incapacitating
illness, a
religious holiday, or varsity
athletic participation. These types of absences require
various procedures. For "unusual circumstances, such as
illness", you have two options, both documented in Duke's
attendance and missed work policy: submitting an
incapacitation form or requesting a Dean's excuse. Please
follow the instructions relevant to your case when it
arises—or before it arises, if possible (such as with
athletics or religious holidays)—and in any
case review these instructions now to familiarize
yourself with the procedures. According to Duke policy,
submission of an incapacitation form does not guarantee that
the absence or lateness will be excused.
- The logic of a proof must be completely clear for full credit.
- You must cite sources in your solutions. If you rely on
so-and-so's theorem, then you must say where you found it. Be
specific: "the dual rank theorem" is not precise; in contrast,
"[Climenhaga, Theorem 5.10]" is. Theorems are often known by
many names, so anyone grading your work could fail to recognize
any given theorem by a name you might attach.
- Students are expected to adhere to the
Duke Community Standard. Students affirm
their commitment to uphold the values of the Duke University
community by signing a pledge that states:
- I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
- I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors;
- I will act if the Standard is compromised.
The instructor has a long record of detecting and convicting
violations, resulting in a wide range of sanctions, from
grade changes to removal from the University. Every case
brought by the instructor has resulted in sanctions: I have
never lost a case. Don't test me.
- Collaboration on homework is encouraged while you
discuss the search for solutions, but when it comes time to
write them down, the work you turn in must be yours alone: you
are not allowed to consult anyone else's written solution,
and you are not allowed to share your written solutions. (It
is very easy to tell when solutions have been copied or written
together.) If you collaborate while searching for solutions,
you must indicate—on the homework page—who your
collaborators were. Failure to identify your collaborators
is a breach of the Duke Community Standard.
- In contrast, no collaboration or consultation of human or
electronic sources—except for the "Textbooks" and
specific "Online resources" listed on this syllabus—is
allowed for either of the two exams. You must work
completely independently, without giving or receiving help from
others or from the internet (beyond those sources listed above
or on the homework). It bears repeating that the instructor
has a long record of detecting and convicting violations of the
Duke Community Standard, resulting in a wide range of
sanctions, from grade changes to removal from the University.
Again, don't test me.
- Consulting generative AI is prohibited for all aspects
of this course, including homework, midterms, and term
projects. Instead of asking a computer, ask a classmate or the
- If a student is responsible for academic dishonesty on a graded
item in this course, then the student will have an opportunity
to admit the infraction and, if approved by the Office of
Student Conduct, resolve it directly through a faculty-student
resolution agreement; the terms of that agreement would then
dictate the grading response to the assignment at issue. If
the student is found responsible through the Office of Student
Conduct and the infraction is not resolved by a faculty-student
resolution agreement, then the sanctions can be severe and,
depending on the nature of the infraction, might be out of the
hands of the instructor, being instead determined by the Office
of Student Conduct or another University body.
Term projects involve choices of partners and topics
(exception: grad students enrolled in Math 703 complete their
term projects solo); ideally, you should be excited about both.
- The topic should deal with substantial mathematics
traceable back to linear algebra.
- You aren't expected to prove new theorems, but you are
expected to present mathematics that isn't covered
elsewhere in this course or in your other courses.
- You are encouraged to find your own topic! Be sure to
clear it with me, either in office hours or by email. I
can help you determine how to bring your topic to
sufficient depth and manageable scope.
- A file with potential topics is posted on Canvas:
Math 403 Canvas –> Announcements –>
Term project topic suggestions
The list is not at all meant to be exhaustive, and the
topics there are merely suggestions.
The project itself consists of a
- paper (of maybe a dozen pages or so) and
- presentation (of roughly 20 minutes to half an hour) to
your classmates near the end of the semester.
The precise length of each presentation will depend on
scheduling issues. (The presentations need to fit into four
lecture slots.)
Action items and timeline.
- Pick partners; when you have a partner, each of you
should email me by Friday, February 23. That way, I not
only get notified of the pairs, but I also get
independent confirmation from each member of the pair.
After everyone who is able to choose a partner has done
so, I will assign any remaining Math 403 students to
pairs. Those enrolled in Math 703 should take no action
here; you will work solo. The total number of students
enrolled often remains in flux by this time in the
semester (believe it or not). If you are willing to be
in a group of three, who will write a longer paper and
deliver a longer presentation, then say so, but keep in
mind that it might not be necessary.
- By Friday, March 1 (a week before Spring break), post to
Canvas Assignments a couple of paragraphs outlining your
chosen topic. Before submitting those paragraphs, I
encourage you to talk with me for a few minutes about
your topic to ensure that it is at least in principle
- By Monday, March 18, post to Canvas Assignments a
preliminary outline of your term paper. (You should
consider posting this before Spring break instead of
after.) It should be detailed enough for someone (such
as me) to be able to determine whether its scope is
realistic and its depth sufficient.
- By Wednesday, March 27, post to Canvas Assignments a
rough draft or highly detailed outline of your term
paper. You should have completed all of your research
by this time.
- The oral presentation slots on April 16 and 18 need to
be allotted. If you have a preference, then tell me so,
but be sure to give at least one backup option. First
come, first served for these; you can email me about
this (long) before you submit your topic selection
paragraphs. After preferences are taken into account,
the instructor will assign the remaining slots randomly.
- Final complete term papers are due on Tuesday, April 23,
which is the last day of undergraduate and graduate
classes. There is no final exam in this course, so Math
403 will be done (for you, not for me) on that date.
Final course grades:
- 40% Homework and participation
- 15% Midterm #1
- 15% Midterm #2
- 30% Term project
Participation in class discussion and office hours can contribute to
your homework score.
University academic links
Departmental links
I will do my best to keep this web page for Math 403 current, but
this web page is not intended to be a substitute for attendance.
Students are held responsible for all announcements and all course
content delivered in class.
Many thanks are due to Jeremy Martin and Vic Reiner, who provided
templates for this webpage many years ago.
The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of
the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or
approved by Duke University.
Wed Jan 22 18:26:53 EST 2025