This website is for Joe Rabinoff's sections A and C of Math 1553. It only contains information specific to those sections. For most course information, carefully read over the

For links to Piazza and WeBWorK, see T-Square.

Times and Places

Joe Rabinoff
Lecture times
  • A: MW 8:00–8:50am
  • C: MW 9:05–9:55am
Lecture locations
My office
Skiles 244
My email
Rabinoffice hours
Monday, 1–3pm and Tuesday, 9–11am (tentative)
Recitation times
  • A: F 8:00–8:50am
  • C: F 9:05–9:55am
Recitation locations
  • A1: Skiles 156
  • A2: Skiles 170
  • A3: Skiles 255
  • A4: Skiles 246
  • A5: Skiles 171
  • C1: Skiles 202
  • C2: Skiles 254
  • C3: Skiles 256
  • C4: Skiles 268
  • C5: Skiles 314
TAs and office hours
  • A1: Rebecca Hsu; W 11–12am, Th 3–4pm, Skiles 230
  • A2: Eduardo Pellegrini; F 12:10–1:10, Skiles 230
  • A3: James Anderson; W 2–3, Skiles 230
  • A4: Elta Clarke; F 9–10am, Skiles 230
  • A5: Samantha Klein; Tu 1–3pm, Skiles 230
  • C1: Tim Kierzkowski; W 5–6pm, Th 2–3pm, CULC 280
  • C2: Lucas Wray; Tu 4:30–5:30, Skiles 230
  • C3: Zhou (Martin) Ma; F 1–3pm, Skiles 230
  • C4: Samantha Klein; Tu 1–3pm, Skiles 230
  • C5: Rebecca Hsu; W 11–12am, Th 3–4pm, Skiles 230
Note that you may attend the office hours for a TA from any section.

Students with a Pearson code can access the text via MyMathLab. The course id is rabinoff91018. Instructions for obtaining a Pearson code and logging into MyMathLab can be found here. Note that this course does not use MyMathLab for online homework assignments, so that the MyMathLab account is really only good for accessing an electronic version of the text.

While the Pearson code is not required for this course, you are likely to need the code for other math courses you take at GaTech. In particular, Lay is bundled with other textbooks for calculus courses, so most likely buying the code now will save you money in the long run.

Course Materials

All course materials will appear below. This includes lecture slides, solutions to midterms, study guides, and so on.


The syllabus contains official course policies. For most other information, refer to this page or the master course website.


  • Here is a reference sheet containing most theorems and definitions that you will learn (and be responsible for knowing) over the course of the semester. I will tweak it as we cover the material.

Week 1: August 21–25

Week 2: August 28–September 1

Week 4: September 11–15

Week 7: October 2–6

Week 8: October 9–13

Week 10: October 23–27

Week 11: October 30–November 3

Week 12: November 6–10

Week 15: December 4

Final Exam