Mathematics 103X Section 02, Fall 2006

Honors Intermediate Calculus

I will place the latest information about the course on this page.

Instructor: Lenny Ng
E-mail: ng AT
Office: Physics 231
Office phone: 919-660-6972
Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 3:00-4:00 pm or by appointment
Textbook: Vector Calculus, third edition, by S. J. Colley
Course meeting time and place: MWF 11:55am - 12:45pm, Physics 299

The first in-class test was on Wednesday September 20 and covered Sections 1.1-1.5 (not torque) and 3.1-3.2 (not Kepler's Laws); in other words, the material covered by the first two problem sets.

The second test was on Monday October 23 and covered Chapters 2 and 4; in other words, the material covered by HW 3 through HW 5.

The third test was on Friday November 17 and covered Section 1.7 (except standard bases for cylindrical and spherical coordinates), Section 3.3, Section 3.4 (except "Other coordinate formulations"), and Chapter 5 (except moments of inertia from Section 5.6); in other words, the material covered by HW 6 through HW 8.

The fourth test was on Wednesday December 6 and covered Chapter 6 and Sections 7.1 and 7.2; in other words, the material covered by HW 9 and HW 10.

The final examination will be on Thursday December 14 from 7-10 pm in Physics 205. There will be an optional review session for the final on Wednesday December 13 from 4-5 pm in Physics 119.

My office hours for the week of December 11 (finals week) are Tuesday 3-4 pm and Wednesday 3-4 pm, as usual.

Homework assignments:

Tom Witelski's page for Math 103X.01 (contains lots of sample tests, among other nice things)

Test bank for Math 103

(Mathematics) Information for first-year students