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Mathematica Tutor

Part 9: Differentiation

Before you start, make sure your variables are cleared by entering

Clear[g, x]

  1. Define g to be the function given by

    g(x) = x2cos x.

    Check your work by evaluating g(pi). You should obtain -pi2. If you have trouble, look at Part 7 again.

  2. Now enter
    Then enter
    How would you calculate the third derivative?

    Try this alternative way to get the third derivative:

  3. If you want to calculate the derivative of an expression that you have not yet entered, just replace g(x) by the expression. For example, enter
    Now insert a literal constant in the expression: Enter
    Then change the final x to an a. That is, enter
    What is the role of the symbol after the comma in the differentiation expression?

  4. Now suppose you want the function dg/dx, that is, g'(x). If necessary, restore the definition of g by entering
    g[x_] := (x^2)*Cos[x]
    Then enter
    Evaluate the second derivative of g at 2 by entering
    Check your understanding so far by using Mathematica to calculate the second derivative of tan(x6-3x+5) at 3/2. (The value is approximately -4521.)

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