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Curve Fitting

Part 5:  Nonlinear Curve Fitting

Given a model function in which the parameters do not appear linearly, how can we find the parameters yielding the best least squares fit of the model?  We attack this problem by using an iterative method based on another type of "linearization", namely first order Taylor approximations.

Suppose we want to fit the power model y = a tb to our small four-point data set from Part 3.  Let's use the notation

f(t; a,b) = a tb

in order to explicitly emphasize the dependence of the model on the parameters a and b, given some fixed value of t.

We want to find the optimal values of the parameters a and b yielding the best fitting power function.  Suppose we have an initial guess (a0,b0) for the parameters.  For a fixed value t, we can expand f in a Taylor series about (a0,b0):

f(t; a,b) = f(t; a0,b0) + fa(t; a0,b0) (a - a0) + fb(t; a0,b0) (b - b0)
          + higher order terms.

Here the partial derivatives are

fa(t; a,b) = tb


fb(t; a,b) = a tb ln(t)

If we let da = (a - a0) and db = (b - b0) and drop higher order terms in da and db from our Tayor expansion, we get the first order approximation

f(t; a,b)  - f(t; a0,b0) = fa(t; a0,b0) da + fb(t; a0,b0) db.

Our data set is

(T1,Y1), (T2,Y2), (T3,Y3), (T4,Y4).

We would like to solve for a and b so that Yi = f(Ti, a,b) for i = 1, ...  4. Thus, we would like to solve the following system for da and db (and hence a = a0 + da and b = b0 + db):

Y1 - f(T1; a0,b0) = fa(T1; a0,b0) da + fb(T1; a0,b0) db

Y2 - f(T2; a0,b0) = fa(T2; a0,b0) da + fb(T2; a0,b0) db

Y3 - f(T3; a0,b0) = fa(T3; a0,b0) da + fb(T3; a0,b0) db

Y4 - f(T4; a0,b0) = fa(T4; a0,b0) da + fb(T4; a0,b0) db

There are four equations in the two unknowns da and db.  We can't find a solution to such an overdetermined system, but we can solve it in the least squares sense.  Form the sum of squares of the differences between the left and right sides of each equation.  Then solve this linear least squares problem for the da and db values that minimize the sum of squares by solving the normal equations.

  1. To get an initial guess (a0,b0) for the parameters a and b, fit the power curve y = a tb throught the first point (1.0, 2.5) and the last point (4.0, 50.0) of our small data set.  Show your calculations.

  2. Your helper application worksheet is set up so that you can substitute your initial guess (a0,b0) to form the 4-vectors

    y* = (Y1 - f(T1;a0,b0), Y2 - f(T2;a0,b0), ... , Y4 - f(T4;a0,b0) )T

    fa =  ( fa(T1; a0,b0), fa(T2; a0,b0), ... , fa(T4; a0,b0) )T

    fb =  ( fb(T1; a0,b0), fb(T2; a0,b0), ... , fb(T4; a0,b0) )T

    Our least squares problem is equivalent to finding the closest vector to y* that lies within the two-dimensional subspace W = span(fa,fb). Solve the normal equations to find the least squares solution values da and db.

  3. Use your solution values da and db to update a and b:

    a = a0 + da
    b = b0 + db

  4. Now use your latest a and b values as your new initial guess (a0,b0) to the solution and repeat steps 2 and 3.

  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 again using your newest estimate of a and b as your initial guess.  Do your values of a and b seem to be converging to the claimed optimal values of a = 0.848 and b= 2.935?

  6. Since steps 2 and 3 should be repeated until convergence is achieved, your helper application worksheet has a looping structure set up to do this automatically.  Execute the loop and watch the convergence.  How much accuracy is achieved in the optimal values of a and b?  How many iterations are required?  Compute the residuals Yi - f(Ti,a,b), for i = 1, ... , 4 corresponding to the optimal fit.  Also compute the sum of squares of these residuals.

Let's now take up the ambitious task of fitting the logistic growth model

f(t; P0,K,r) = K P0 / ( P0 + (K - P0) exp(-r t) )

to the U.S. population data of Part 1.

  1. Use your helper application to find the partial derivative of f with respect to each parameter: P0, K, and r.

  2. Using the initial quess P0 = 78, K = 700, and r = 0.0168, form the following vectors in R10:

    y* = (Y1 - f(T1; P0,K,r), Y2 - f(T2;P0,K,r), ... , Y10 - f(T10;P0,K,r) )T

    fPo = ( fPo(T1; P0,K,r), fa(T2; P0,K,r), ... , fa(T10; P0,K,r) )T

    fK = ( fK(T1; P0,K,r), fb(T2; P0,K,r), ... , fb(T10; P0,K,r) )T

    fr = ( fr(T1; P0,K,r), fb(T2; P0,K,r), ... , fb(T10; P0,K,r) )T.

    Form the least square matrix X and solve the normal equations for dP0, dK, and dr.  Use these values to update P0, K, and r.

  3. Now use the looping structure in your helper application worksheet to iteratively solve for the optimal P0, K, and r.  How many iterations are needed?

  4. Plot the least squares logistic curve that you just found together with a scatter plot of the U.S. population data.  How good is the fit?

  5. Make a residual plot for your optimal logistic fit.  Compare the logistic fit to the quadratic fit from Part 1 and the exponential fit from Part 2.

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