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Part 2: Row and Column Operations

  1. Interchange any two rows of the matrix A, and compute the determinant of the resulting matrix. What do you observe? Try this experiment with two columns of A.
  2. Let E be the matrix obtained from A by multiplying one row of A by 2. Compute det(E), and compare with det(A). What property of determinants have you demonstrated? Try this experiment with a column of A.
  3. Let F = 2*A. Compute det(F) and det(F)/det(A). What do you deduce? Reconcile this result with your conclusion in the preceding step.
  4. Display A again. Add a non-zero multiple of one row of A to another row, and compute the determinant of the resulting matrix. What property of determinants have you demonstrated? Also try this experiment with adding a non-zero multiple of one column to another column.
  5. Enter the matrices U and L defined in the worksheet, and compute the determinant of each. How could you have done these computations in your head?
  6. Enter the random 4 x 4 matrix T. Now replace one row of T with all zeros (multiply one row by zero). Compute the determinant of this new T. Next, replace the row of zeros with a non-zero multiple of another row. Compute det(T) again. What do you conclude?
  7. Repeat the experiments in the preceding step with a column instead of a row.

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