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Part 3: The Adjoint

If A is an n x n matrix and i and j are indices between 1 and n, we denote by Ai,j the n-1 by n-1 matrix obtained from A by deleting the i-th row and the j-th column of A. The (i,j)-cofactor of A is the number (-1)i+jdet(Ai,j). The cofactor matrix of A is the n x n matrix whose i,j entry is the (i,j)-cofactor of A. The classical adjoint of A, denoted adj(A), is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of A.

  1. Before you ask your computer algebra system to compute any adjoints, carry out the following experiment to be sure you understand the definition. Compute the (3,2) entry of the adjoint of the matrix A (already defined in the worksheet) by setting up an appropriate expression and calculating its value. Check your work by entering adj(A).
  2. Compute A*adj(A), B*adj(B), and T*adj(T). What do you observe?
  3. Suppose M is an invertible matrix. Use your result in the preceding step to find a formula for the inverse of M that uses adj(M). Use this formula to define a matrix V that should be the inverse of A. Test your formula by computing VA and AV (or by computing one of these and explaining why you don't need both).
  4. The result of step 3 can be used to construct a non-trivial matrix that has an inverse with integer entries. (There are much more important things we can do with this formula, but this exercise will reveal the source of all those artificial-looking textbook inversion problems.) Start by entering a 5 x 5 upper triangular matrix N whose entries are all integers and whose determinant is 1 or -1. (If necessary, refer to step 5 in Part 2.) Now apply row replacement operations to change N until it has mostly non-zero entries. You can also apply column replacement operations in the same way. Continue until there is no discernible pattern in N. Explain why the inverse of the matrix you created must have only integer entries. Verify this by computing the inverse.

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