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Maple Tutor

Part 12: The Simplex Package

Here we introduce the main features of Maple's simplex package, which solves linear programming problems like those in Part 11. We will illustrate this, first step-by-step, then all-at-once, using Problem A:

Find values of   and   that maximize  z = 120x + 100y  subject to the restrictions

2x + 2y <  8
5x + 3y < 15
> 0, y > 0.
  1. To avoid conflicts with variables and commands already entered, use the command
    to tell Maple to forget everything. Then enter
    to load the simplex package. Using a semicolon rather than a colon displays the names of the new commands being defined. In particular, note that one of those commands is display, which means something very different now from what it meant in the plots package.
  2. Next enter
    constraintsA:=[2*x+2*y<=8, 5*x+3*y<=15];
    Note two differences from the way we entered constraints in Part 11: We are not including the nonnegativity constraints, and we are using a list rather than a set. Neither of these changes is necessary for using simplex commands, but this format will make it easier to keep track of what is going on. Now enter
    The function of display is to show the constraints in matrix-vector form. By using a list, we have forced Maple to respect the order of our inequalities, but we can't force it to keep the variables in the same order -- so the first column belongs to  y  and the second to  x
  3. Our next three commands are
    The first of these converts the constraints to a list of equations by inserting slack variables, _SL1 and _SL2. The second identifies the slack variables as the basic variables at this stage. And the third displays the new list of equations in matrix form -- without the vector of variables. Look closely at the matrix -- which columns belong to each of the variables  x,  y,   _SL1,  and   _SL2 ?
  4. Now we define the objective function:
    and we ask Maple to decide which variable determines the first pivot column:
    The pivot operation is going to exchange one basic and one nonbasic variable -- that is,  y  will become basic and one of the slack variables will become nonbasic. The choice of which slack variable is determined by picking a pivot equation:
    You will learn the criteria for making these decisions when you study the simplex algorithm. Carry out the pivot operation:
    If you wish, you can check the basis in C2 and/or display the new list of equations in matrix form.
  5. We have completed one step of the simplex algorithm now -- to see what it means, we need to express the objective function in terms of the current nonbasic variables. That is, we need to substitute for
  6.  y  its expression in terms of  x  and   _SL1  -- which you can do by copying and pasting from  C2:
    The important part of the result is the constant term -- this is the value of the objective function when the nonbasic variables are set to zero. Have we reached the maximum yet? No, because  x  still has a positive coefficient, which means the objective function will grow if  x  becomes basic (and therefore nonzero).

  7. You can carry out the next simplex step by copying, pasting, and editing commands from the preceding step:
    objA(fill in for x, fill in for y);

    At this point, the constant term should be the solution you know already from Part 11, the coefficients in the objective function should be negative (meaning the maximum occurs when both slack variables are zero), and the corresponding values of  x  and  y  should be the constant terms in the final equations (why?).
  8. Finally, we see that Maple can carry out the simplex algorithm all at once:

    The step-by-step procedure is useful for learning the simplex algorithm. The maximize and minimize functions are useful once you understand how the algorithm works.

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