Rotation Matrices
Part 3: Three-Dimensional
Rotation Matrices
In R3 a vector
can be rotated about any one of the three axes. The 3-dimensional versions
of the rotation matrix A are the following matrices:

P rotates a vector in R3 about the x3-axis, Q about
the x1-axis, and R about the x2-axis. These are not
the only possible rotations in 3-space, of course, but we will limit our
attention in this module to these possibilities.
- What feature of each of
the matrices P, Q, R tells us quickly the axis about which the rotation
is being done?
- We saw earlier that multiplication
of 2-dimensional rotation matrices is commutative, even though matrix multiplication
in general is not commutative. We'll try this for 3-dimensional rotation
matrices. Let P30 and P45 be the matrices for rotations
of 30 and 45 degrees, respectively, around the x3-axis. Compute
P30P45 and P45P30. What do
you observe?
- Now compute P30R45
and R45P30. What do you observe? Hold an object (such
as your textbook) in front of you, and rotate it as indicated in these
product matrices. Try to convince yourself that what you observed mathematically
is consistent with reality!
- Try to generalize what
you computed in the preceding steps. In particular, are any 3-dimensional
rotation matrices multiplicatively commutative? If so, which ones?
- Suppose an image is stored
in computer memory as a set of coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Assume
that when the object is displayed on the view screen, the x1-axis
is perpendicular to the screen, the x2-axis is horizontal, and
the x3-axis is vertical. Thus, the x2-x3
plane is on the surface of the screen. The software can perform rotations
by multiplying each point (as a vector) by an appropriate rotation matrix
and then displaying the result. If we want to display the object so that
it is first flipped over from our right to our left, and then the axis
projected toward us is tilted upward 20 degrees, what matrix can the computer
use to do this transformation? Explain your reasoning, and compute the
matrix in your worksheet. (A sample object -- a plane in 3-space -- is
defined for plotting in your worksheet. You may experiment with this plot
in order to visualize the transformation in this step.)
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