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Double Integrals II

Part 1: Iterated Double Integrals

We begin by exploring the procedure your helper application uses to evaluate iterated double integrals. You will find a discussion of this for your particular system in the worksheet.

In particular, we start with the integral of


over the region bounded above by x = y2 and below by y = x2, that is,


This is the same integral you calculated exactly and estimated with your own numerical technique in Part 3 of Double Integrals I.

  1. Use your helper application to compute the exact value of


  2. Use your helper application to compute an approximate numerical value of


Now we use your helper application to evaluate the double integral of f(x,y) = x2 + y2 over the region D bounded on the right by the circle of radius 2 centered at the origin and on the left by the line x = 1. The region D is shown in the following figure.


  1. Describe the line x = 1 in terms of polar coordinates r and theta.

  2. Write the double integral of f(x,y) = x2 + y2 over D as an iterated integral in polar coordinates.

  3. Use your helper application to evaluate this iterated integral exactly.

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