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Hiking and Climbing in Yosemite

Part 2: Climbing

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The map shows some of the level curves of a function  z = f(x,y),  representing the elevation in feet at longitude x and latitude y, where x and y are measured relative to the axes on the map, with the origin on the North shore of Mirror Lake. The scale is approximately 1000 ft/cm. You will use the map in the rest of the module to describe a hiking, rock climbing, and canoeing trip through the park.

  1. You begin a climb from Mirror Lake. Ambitiously, you decide to head off from (0,0) in the direction of steepest ascent. Draw a unit vector u0i + v0j from (0,0) pointing in this direction. What are the components of this vector?
  2. Follow u0i + v0j from its tail at (0,0) to its tip at the new point P1 = (x1,y1). You've traveled 1000 feet -- at least in the plane of the map. Puffing and panting at P1, you tell yourself that it seemed longer than that. Of course it was -- you moved a distance s = 1000 feet on the map, but you moved a distance w on the surface. Read the change in elevation z off the map, and approximate the distance w you actually climbed.
  3. How steep was the climb in step 3? You can measure this by finding the rate of change of elevation at (0,0) in the direction you moved. How would you approximate this? What value do you get? What if you had moved away from (0,0) in a different direction -- what other rates of change are possible? Find values for a few of these. How are these rates of change related to the directional derivatives of the function f?
  4. Recall that the vector grad f at the point (x0,y0) is the vector in the direction of greatest increase of the function f at that point with magnitude given by the value of the directional derivative in that direction of greatest increase. To gain some experience with this definition, answer the following questions.

  5. Tiring of intellectual diversions, you decide to get some additional physical exercise by continuing your climb. Full of ambition again, you head off in the direction of grad f(x1,y1), climbing for another unit distance, s = 1000 feet, and arriving at P2 = (x2,y2). Mark P2 on your map. What was z? What was w? How steep was the climb?
  6. Continue on to P3, P4, P5, by moving, at each Pn, s = 1000 feet in the direction of grad f(xn,yn). When does this process terminate? Mark your path on the map, and compile a table with the following entries for each interval from Pn to Pn+1: n, s, z, w, grad f(xn,yn), and |grad f(xn,yn)|.
  7. Write a general formula giving Pn+1 in terms of Pn and grad f(xn,yn). (For this formula, identify Pn and Pn+1 with the vectors from the origin to these points.)

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