Maple Tutor
Part 10: Summary
You have now seen the most
basic features of your computer algebra system, Maple. Additional
features will be introduced in subsequent modules as needed. For example,
facilities for entering and plotting data are introduced in the module
Functions Defined by Data.
In the list below, we summarize
the key features introduced in this module, organized by the Parts in which
they appeared. If any of these features seem unfamiliar to you, you may
want to review the corresponding part(s) of the tutorial.
- Elementary
- Addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, exponentiation
- Entry of Maple commands
- Groups
and Separators
- Variables
- Assigning and unassigning
- Previous result
- Colon vs. semicolon
- Text
- Remarks in command lines
- Text lines vs. command
- What
Maple remembers
- Order of entry vs. order
in the worksheet
- Effect on formulas of assigning
values to variables
- Current
values of variables
- Functions
- Defining functions
- Evaluating functions
- Decimal vs. exact evaluation
- Special constants, e.g.,
- Graphing
- Plotting interval
- Drag buttons
- Plot options
- Saving
and opening files
- File menu: New, Open, Save,
Save As, Close
- Printing a worksheet
- Exiting Maple
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