About me: I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Duke University, and a faculty member of Duke Quantum Center (see here for a brief video intro to DQC) and Rhodes information initiative at Duke (iiD). Prior to joining Duke in 2023, I was at University of California, Berkeley as a Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics and Simons Quantum Postdoctoral Fellow at Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (hosted by Prof. Lin Lin and Prof. Umesh Vazirani).
I received my PhD in Mathematics from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I currently serve as an editor of the journal Quantum.
My research is funded in part by NSF grant DMS-2347791 (role: PI) and the DOE QUACQ project (lead by Chemistry@Caltech; role: co-PI).
Research Interests:
My mathematical expertise lies in applied and numerical analysis of partial differential equations.
My current research focuses are the theory of quantum computing, numerical analysis for quantum algorithms, as well as classical algorithms for quantum simulation.
I am always looking for talented people joining the group!
How to apply to join the group? (click to see more)
Email: di.fang@duke.edu
Office: 313 Gross Hall
Recent Teaching:
Selected Organizing and Recent Activities: (for a list of recent talks please see here. )