Slides and notes from my talks

New invariants of Legendrian links
Slides for my talk in the Symplectic Zoominar, May 2024.
Legendrian links and Lagrangian cobordisms
Slides for my talk at the AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, March 2024.
Infinitely many fillings via augmentations
Slides for my talk at the conference "Legendrians, Cluster Algebras, and Mirror Symmetry", January 2021.
Knot contact homology and augmentation varieties
Informal notes for my minicourse at the Hamilton Workshop, Dublin, August 2016.
The augmentation category of a Legendrian knot
Slides for my talk at the AMS Western Section Meeting at UNLV on April 19, 2015.
Effectiveness of transverse knot invariants
Slides for my talk at the AMS Eastern Section Meeting at Georgetown on March 7, 2015.
The augmentation polynomial and topological strings
Slides for my talk (see link for video) at the Simons Center on May 21, 2013.
From holomorphic curves to knot invariants via the cotangent bundle
Slides for my invited lecture on October 14, 2012, at the AMS Southeastern Section Meeting at Tulane.
Effective invariants of transverse knots
Slides for my talk on June 17, 2011, at the Nantes conference on contact and symplectic topology.
Filtered knot contact homology and transverse knots
Slides for a talk on transverse homology. This particular version is from a talk I gave at Columbia in March 2011.
Knots and the Symplectic Field Theory of cotangent bundles
Slides for my talk on May 29, 2009, at the Georgia International Topology Conference.
Invariants of Legendrian knots and links
Slides for my talk on May 31, 2001, at the Georgia International Topology Conference.

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