Ph.D. Students

Postdoctoral scholars

Undergraduate and high school students

  • Research project on quadratically enriched binomial coefficients with De'Asia Brodie, Chongyao Chen, and Zoe Valentine, REU, 2024.

  • Research project on A1-logarithmic Zeta functional equation with Aram Lindroth 2023, 2024.

  • Research project on Euler characteristic transform and random topology with Marie Bennett, REU, Summer 2021, 2022.

  • Research project on unstable Euler classes with John Igieobo, Stephen McKean, Steven Sanchez, and Dae'Shawn Taylor, REU, Summer 2020, 2023.

  • Research project on splitting varieties with REU student Brandon Boggess, supported by an REU supplement to NSF DMS-1406380, Summer 2015. Brandon Boggess’s paper on this work has been published in the Journal of Number Theory, 169C (2016), 388–405, and is available on arXiv Splitting Varieties for Cup Products with Z/3-Coefficients.

  • PROMYS mentor, summer 2012. Research project for high school students on random involutions:project description.

  • PROMYS mentor, summer 2010. Research project for high school students on real algebraic curves: project description.