30 years ago in October 16-18, 1994 there was a meeting called Women in Probability held in Ithaca NY. This summer there will be another one August 5-6, 2024 at UNC in Chapel Hill, NC. To see the history .
Organized by Rick Durrett with help from Shankar Bhamidi and Zoe Huang (UNC)
Talks in 120 Hanes Hall. Coffee is available Monday and Tuesday morning before the talk at a nearby room on the first floor.
Abstracts . Info about parking, eating, etc.
Lea Popovic (Concordia)
Multi-scale Markov process for interacting particles diffusing in spatially heterogeneous system
Tai Melcher (U. of Virginia)
Infinite-dimensional diffusions under Hormander's condition
Jasmine Foo (Minnesota)
Spatial Models of Cancer Evolution
Samantha Petti (Tufts)
Learning functions in biological sequence space
work in progress so no slides available, earlier work on her web page
Unable to attend due to travel woes
Ivana Bozic (Washington)
Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of cancer.
Tuesday August 6
Tamara Broderick (MIT)
Double trouble: Predicting new variant counts across two heterogeneous populations
11:15 - 12
Dana Randall (Georgia Tech)
Programmable Matter and Emergent Computation
Supported by
NSF grants DMS 2011385 (SEPC conference grant)
and DMS 2153429 (Durrett individual grant from probability program).
Co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Participant support. Grants of up to $500 are available to partially support the participation of 10 young female participants (defined as not yet tenured). Send an email to the organizer (RTD) with brief statement about your research and why you would like to attend the conference, attach a CV, and arrange for you thesis advisor or postdoctoral mentor to send a brief email (a few sentences is sufficient) endorsing your participation in the conference. The first round of decisions will be made on June 1, and after that on a rolling basis.
The organizer (RTD) is retired (as of 7/1/2023) and no longer @t the MATH department in .DUKE.EDU but he still gets his email there.